Deutrel Industries: Commitment to natural solutions


Deutrel Industries, Inc: commitment to natural solutions...

Deutrel was formed in 1969 by Everett L. Storey, a physical chemist
and microbiologist. In 1960, he perfected the deuterium process of
soil normalization, leading to the present day unique product, called
“OpenAll®”. The company name “Deutrel” is derived from the
“deuterium” process. After the death of Dr. Storey, Deutrel was sold
to the Rhoten Family. Corporate headquarters were moved to
Lancaster, California.

Present Day:
The Deutrel Family of companies now supplies superior, natural
solutions to customers in more than 35 foreign countries...the list
continues to grow. Initial success in Pacific Rim nations, in the early
90’s, brought expansion into Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Mexico,
North America, Central America, and Europe. Deutrel Industries
hosts International Conferences, attended by representatives from
over 25 countries, where information is exchanged and composited
in an atmosphere of learning and mutual benefit.

Mission Statement:
Deutrel Industries exists to manufacture and make available the
unique OpenAll® family of products world wide, in an effort to
increase soil productivity in an environmentally positive manner.
New product research and development builds on the proven
concept that OpenAll® works as a catalyst and adjuvant, unlocking
the latent power of nature to fix itself.

Deutrel Industries is forming an international team of sales
engineers and soil experts, to provide products and technical
know-how. This will help farmers resolve the most difficult land-use
issues including agriculture, aquaculture, urban waste accumulation,
and soil contamination. A final objective is to assemble a group
of allied companies, whose products broaden the benefits of
OpenAll® soil treatments; thereby providing a complete soil environment
management system.