When soil pH’s are on the acid side (below pH 5), calcium in the form of lime, calcium hydroxide, limestone (calcium carbonate) or dolomitic limestone (a combination of calcium and magnesium carbonate), are added to the soil to bring the pH to 6 or 7.

Micro-nutrients are needed in only very small quantities but they are every bit as essential as macro-nutrients to normal plant growth. Plant essential micro-nutrients are boron (B), chloride (Cl), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo) and zinc (Zn) and if deficient they are applied to soil in pounds per acre.

Normally acidic (low) pH soils can be raised by releasing the calcium (Ca) and other divalent elements that are locked up in the soil. This will be changed to calcium hydroxide and this ion raises pH. The aerobic bacteria population will increase, which normally feeds on Alkaline (High pH) materials. When the aerobic bacteria feeds on the high pH materials, it releases more oxygen through digestion and aeration, which also helps provide more water to be absorbed in the soil. More water, which is normally more neutral in pH, will help normalize the soil. First year results will be from .2 to .4 depending on amount of OPEN-ALL® that is introduced into the soil.

1.) More oxygen = More "Good" Bacteria
2.) More bacteria = More oxygen, water penetration, more release of calcium hydroxide
3.) More water = Normal water pH is from 6.5-8.5, which dilutes helps raise the pH of soil.
4.) More calcium hydroxide = Increase of pH

Copper and chromium are strongly bound to the soil and de-sorption of these heavy metals to the soil. Because high pH chemical compounds bind tightly, it is extremely hard to normalize the pH efficiently without using synthetic chemicals, which pollute the soil. By adding de-sorbing agents to the soil e.g. base or acid, de-sorption can be accelerated and furthermore, the removal of copper and chromium from the soil should be faster, although in synthetic form can be toxic. OPEN ALL® will organically remove Ca2+ - ions from the soil. Because of the amazing ability of OPEN ALL®'s deuterium process, it weakens the polar bond of the heavy metals in soil, which is released. The organic bacteria feeds off of high pH materials, lowering the pH levels in the soil. Some of the high pH material can be drained lower than the plant root growth area by penetration, protecting the plants grown in the area. This should be measured with the type of agriculture. For example: Alfalfa needs 6" of root growth to be healthy, so you need more than 8" of penetration and a healthy tree root system needs 18" of penetration.

1.) Deuterium Process = More oxygen, more aerobic bacteria, release calcium hydroxide
2.) More Oxygen = More aerobic Bacteria
3.) More Aerobic Bacteria = less heavy metals (high pH)
4.) Low pH of OPEN ALL® = lowering of high pH
5.) Draining and digestion of Ca = lower pH


Mother nature uses a chain of events to create normalization, either by aerobic bacteria or rainfall and penetration. OPEN ALL® has the ability to take this biologic approach and speed the natural process without using synthetic methods which pollutes the environment. In essence, it takes the pollution and uses it as food to normalize the pH.

It's important to note that this process is not only chemical but biological. A chemist may not incorporate into their analysis the biological activity and the biologist may not incorporate the chemical activity. So in viewing OPEN ALL®'s abilities in normalizing pH, there must be a collaboration of both Chemical and Biological properties.

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Soil Conditioning:
The OPEN ALL® treatment is absolutely essential in areas with a high pH measurement. These soils generally have a host of problems including alkali, hardpan, clay, top crust, and a build-up of chemical salts. Today, the OPEN ALL® treatment is the only known method used to eliminate these problems, without damaging the soil or crops. Other effects include excellent percolation, improved water retention, water savings, reduction in fertilizer requirements, and the removal of salts and other contamination from the root zone.

Normalizing pH of soil:
It may be confusing to understand how one product can achieve normalization from a high pH to a low pH, but this achievement is not made by one chemical reaction. In fact, it's a chain reaction of many events that allow "mother nature" do it's job.

When the world was completely organic, the environment and ecosystem was balanced. Today, with all the synthetic materials and processes to speed up what mother nature has been doing for millions of years, there has been an unbalance in our environment.

The beauty of OPEN ALL® is that it speeds mother nature's process "naturally", which many biologist and biochemist cannot understand.